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Refer a Friend

For every Person you refer

that becomes a host, you'll earn $100*

We recommend you tell your friend/family about bloone before filling out this form,

or at least let them know an email will be coming their way!

I have already told the Referee about bloone and know them to be interested.

Details of the Person Your're Referring (Referee)

Thanks for your interest in working with bloone! You can expect to hear back from someone on the bloone team within 48 hours.

*Only current bloone hosts are eligible to earn from referrals. Referrals will be paid out 1 month following the successful setup of the referred host, provided bloone and the referred host intend to continue the placement of a hotspot at referred host’s location. Unless otherwise expressly communicated by bloone, this form is necessary in order for a referral to be counted.

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